

2023-05-18 Shining the Chamber's Charity Brand with Responsibility

"Drinking water does not forget to dig a well, the tree is a thousand feet high do not forget the roots", in the streets to promote better and faster development of the Chamber of Commerce at the same time ......

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Ningbo enterprises help Tiangong-2 rush to the sky "XINGJIAN space": for the space laboratory and spacecraft "oxygen supply"

Zhejiang Online, September 16 (Reporter Yi He correspondent Zhang Wensheng) last night, the Tiangong II launched into space ......



Private enterprises aboard the "big plane" to seize business opportunities Ningbo "XINGJIAN Aerospace" into the Chinese commercial aircraft suppliers

Recently, Ningbo XINGJIAN Aerospace Machinery Factory and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement on the development of fuselage pressure and airtightness test equipment for large passenger planes......

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