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Private enterprises aboard the "big plane" to seize business opportunities Ningbo "XINGJIAN Aerospace" into the Chinese commercial aircraft suppliers

China Ningbo Network News a few days ago, Ningbo XINGJIAN Aerospace Machinery Factory and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Limited signed a large passenger aircraft fuselage pressure and airtight test equipment development cooperation agreement, become a "large aircraft" suppliers in one of the few private enterprises.


"Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China" by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, AVIC, Baosteel, Sinopec and other jointly funded the formation of its development goal is to ensure the success of the development of large domestic passenger aircraft, and strive to become a private aircraft manufacturers with independent intellectual property rights, to challenge Boeing, Airbus monopoly in the global large passenger aircraft market. As the commercial aircraft project is a landmark project for building an innovative country, the requirements for project development and production are high, and the selection of suppliers is also very strict.


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In March 2009, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (CAAC) issued a Request for Information (RFI) for domestic suppliers of the C919 airliner program, and XINGJIAN Aerospace was listed among the suppliers by virtue of its strong scientific and technological innovation capability and high quality after-sales service. XINGJIAN Aerospace was listed among the suppliers by virtue of its strong scientific and technological innovation capability and high quality after-sales service.


In July this year, "XINGJIAN Aerospace" received the invitation to bid, and in the competition with domestic and foreign large enterprises, it won the contract for the development and production of "large passenger aircraft fuselage pressure and airtightness test equipment" in one fell swoop.


It is understood that "XINGJIAN Aerospace" science and technology level and innovation ability has achieved many impressive results. In the high-tech fields such as "Shenzhou" manned space project, "Chang'e 1" moon project, and the development of pressure regulator valve for Olympic torch on Mount Everest, there are products made by "XINGJIAN Aerospace". XINGJIAN Aerospace" products. At present, the plant's on-the-job science and technology research and development personnel accounted for 22% of the total number of employees, 12 senior engineers, the enterprise has authorized 3 invention patents, utility model patents 14.



Ningbo Daily Reporter Deng Shaohua Correspondent Zhang Xiaoxin

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