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Ningbo enterprises help Tiangong-2 rush to the sky "XINGJIAN space": for the space laboratory and spacecraft "oxygen supply"

Zhejiang Online, September 16 (Reporter Yi He correspondent Zhang Wensheng) last night, the Tiangong II launched into space. Behind the success of the sky, standing "Ningbo ZhiZhuang" solid figure.

Before the launch for the Tiangong II astronaut system to provide high-purity oxygen and nitrogen gas mixture is a pressurized gas mixing gas source car. The vehicle is related to the safety of the astronauts' oxygen, so there is no room for sloppiness. The development task of this vehicle is completed by Ningbo XINGJIAN Aerospace Machinery Co.

The main function of the pressurized gas mixing vehicle is to complete the mixing and pressurization of oxygen and nitrogen to provide oxygen-enriched air for the space laboratory and spaceship modules.



The year before last, "XINGJIAN Aerospace" undertook this task. At the end of last year, the company completed the total integration of all the equipment on the gas source car, and successfully developed the high-pressure high-purity oxygen system combination valve, which filled the gaps in the country.

"XINGJIAN Aerospace has been producing gas supply and distribution system components, fuel and gas filling hoses and other equipment for the launch sites of "stars, arrows and bombs". In recent years, XINGJIAN Aerospace has provided technical support for the development of manned spaceflight, Chang'e moon exploration, manned deep diving and other projects, as well as large passenger aircraft. The successful launch of Long March VII in June this year marked the leap of XINGJIAN Aerospace from the provision of parts and components for the aerospace industry to the provision of system integration.

This year is another fruitful year for XINGJIAN Aerospace. In addition to providing products for Long March VII and Tiangong II, the company has also undertaken the development of China's ****** thrust launch vehicle --- Long March V. The company has also been responsible for the development of China's new spacecraft. --In addition to providing products for LM-7 and Tiangong-2, the company also undertook the task of adapting the helium system of China's -powered launch vehicle, LM-5, which has now been successfully completed. "Long March V is scheduled to make its maiden flight in November this year.


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